You'll see a series of "snowgirl" pictures that I just left in for fun. The last one was taken today and the little girls made the snowgirls last Monday night so they lasted pretty well.
We finished up our "bucket project this week (see below). I included pictures of the "set-up" just to show how we had it organized. There is a picture of me with a young boy. He arrived with his dad and I asked his dad if I could assign his son to work "keeping cardboard boxes cleaned up and transported to the cardboard-breakdown area". He said that his son was autistic but that he should be able to do it ok. For the rest of the session, he did great...stayed on task and had a good time.
We had another snowstorm on Wednesday which set some records here in the valley. In fact, school was cancelled on Thursday because of concerns over snow. Thursday, however, was a beautiful day and there were no transportation concerns at all. Oh well, the kids had fun playing in the snow.
Friday was our "Happy Feet" service at Ruby Thomas Elementary School.
Friday night I went to Josh's ward's Christmas program...well, a dinner, three Christmas carols, and we went home.
Saturday was our last "bucket project".
Sunday was our ward's "Christmas program" and the choir sang a number of songs. Sherrie sang in a trio for one of the numbers. After Sacrament Meeting we drove to Josh's ward to see the little girls sing in their ward's Sunday Christmas program. After church we had dinner and then came home.
Monday was spent shopping for food for the week and cooking a lasagna for our ward's monthly "feed the homeless" at St. Timothy's in Henderson. I didn't go out this month and when our group arrived they found that "Panda Express" was already there with dinner. Hmmmm, signals crossed somehow. They packed the food back up and took it to St. Vincent's.
Josh's family stayed overnight with us. We babysat the kids Monday evening since Josh and Zully had an office party to attend. Sherrie and the girls made sugar cookies and we had a fun day today.
Today was "clean up the house day" and "cake delivery" to the mission office and my home teaching families and to the Hooglands.
(From memo from Hooglands to the stake presidents.)
"In all, over the six (6) double sessions, starting on December 2nd thru today, December 20th, we had approx.1420 volunteer/workers and we completed 203+ pallets or 17,060 Cleaning Kits.
The volunteer workers from all the Stakes did such a wonderful job. A number who came stayed for both sessions with enthusiasm and willingness to work.
Sandstone Stake; Tuesday, Dec. 2, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Completed 40 pallets w/ approx 350 volunteers.Las Vegas Stake; Wednesday, Dec. 3, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Completed 32 pallets w/ approx 122 volunteers.
Lakes Stake; Tuesday, Dec. 9, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Completed 38 pallets w/ approx 308 volunteers.
South Stake; Saturday, Dec. 13, from 9:00am to 12:00am. Completed 35 pallets w/ approx 290 volunteers.
Warm Springs Stake; Tuesday, Dec. 16, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Completed 29 pallets w/ approx 140 volunteers.
Anthem Stake; Saturday, Dec. 20, from 9:00am to 12:00am. Completed 29 pallets w/ approx 210 volunteers.
* Some volunteers came and went without signing-in so that the actual numbers may vary slightly."
"In all, over the six (6) double sessions, starting on December 2nd thru today, December 20th, we had approx.1420 volunteer/workers and we completed 203+ pallets or 17,060 Cleaning Kits.
The volunteer workers from all the Stakes did such a wonderful job. A number who came stayed for both sessions with enthusiasm and willingness to work.
Sandstone Stake; Tuesday, Dec. 2, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Completed 40 pallets w/ approx 350 volunteers.Las Vegas Stake; Wednesday, Dec. 3, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Completed 32 pallets w/ approx 122 volunteers.
Lakes Stake; Tuesday, Dec. 9, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Completed 38 pallets w/ approx 308 volunteers.
South Stake; Saturday, Dec. 13, from 9:00am to 12:00am. Completed 35 pallets w/ approx 290 volunteers.
Warm Springs Stake; Tuesday, Dec. 16, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Completed 29 pallets w/ approx 140 volunteers.
Anthem Stake; Saturday, Dec. 20, from 9:00am to 12:00am. Completed 29 pallets w/ approx 210 volunteers.
* Some volunteers came and went without signing-in so that the actual numbers may vary slightly."
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